Friday, March 15, 2024

The Buzzly Podcast

The Buzzly Podcast is a podcast about sons of legends and more. It is a news commentary podcast. So far, it includes episodes about the Son of Barry White, son of Jackie Wilson, and the sons of the Temptations. They are all great singers just like their fathers. 

Real voices and real music really haven’t gone anywhere. Great talent is still here. There is a lot of great talent still in the world, but nobody wants to keep it going it seems in the music industry. We are being told that they’ll never be another James Brown or Michael Jackson. But there are people that have talent just like them, but may not get as far as they did. We are in a different area today and things have changed some. Things are different, but I feel there is no excuse. People still love the kind of entertainers like James Brown and Michael Jackson still. As long as that love is there in entertainment, I think new and real talent does stand a chance.

The Buzzly podcast has also been about Dick Clark and his show: Soul Unlimited. In the 70s, we had great dance shows which are no longer on the air of television today. Dick Clarke and Don Cornelius helped music out a lot. Now that shows like theirs are no longer around, music is no longer seen on television through a dance entertainment show. 

If you would like to give the podcast a listen, it would be greatly appreciated. 

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