Monday, June 19, 2023

Manhattan district lawyer drops 300 convictions developed by damaged NYC officers

  • Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has actually disavowed over 300 convictions that were constructed on cases brought by policeman who breached the law themselves.
  • The terminations are connected to an overall of 9 police officers who were founded guilty of criminal activities consisting of lying under oath, planting drugs on suspects, unlawfully offering weapons, and taking allurements.
  • The deserted convictions are the current in 1,000 terminations as part of an effort to drop cases linked to New York City officers who were charged or founded guilty.

Manhattan’s leading district attorney on Tuesday disavowed over 300 convictions connected to policemans who were themselves condemned of criminal offenses, the most recent in over 1,000 terminations citywide of cases linked to officers who were charged or founded guilty.

The current deserted convictions, practically all misdemeanors, go back as far as 1996. Each includes among 9 officers who were later on founded guilty of on-the-job offenses– amongst them taking allurements, unlawfully offering weapons, lying under oath and planting drugs on suspects– and are no longer on the force.

The cases put more than 50 individuals behind bars and enforced fines on 130, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg stated.


“We can not wait convictions that are developed on cases brought by members of police who have actually breached the law,” Bragg, a Democrat, stated in a declaration after 308 misdemeanor cases were thrown away Tuesday. A comparable case was prepared for 8 felony cases Wednesday.

Given that the start of 2021, Bragg and a minimum of 3 of New York City’s 4 other district lawyers– in Brooklyn, the Bronx and Queens– have actually set up the termination of an overall of more than 1,200 cases linked to officers who had actually been founded guilty or charged, according to a tally assembled by The Associated Press.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg speaks on April 18, 2023, in New York. Bragg has actually disavowed over 300 convictions connected to New York City law enforcement officer who were themselves condemned of criminal offenses. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer, File)

The terminations started with drug convictions constructed by a previous narcotics investigator, Joseph Franco, who was charged with perjury– till the case versus him was thrown away, mid-trial, this January. The case collapsed when Bragg’s workplace acknowledged stopping working to turn over proof as needed to his defense.

Already, district attorneys in Brooklyn, Manhattan and the Bronx had actually gotten numerous Franco-related convictions tossed out, and a number of public defense and exoneration-advocacy groups had actually composed a letter advising the city’s DAs to do similarly with cases including 22 other officers.


Twenty had actually been founded guilty of criminal activities and 2 others took part in severe misbehavior connecting to their tasks, according to the legal groups. Their list consisted of the 9 officers connected to the cases that Bragg is getting threw out today.

Among the letter-writers, Elizabeth Felber, of the Legal Aid Society, praised the terminations and advised Bragg and his fellow DAs to keep going.

“The very same lens utilized on our customers charged with criminal conduct should be used to those in police,” she stated in a declaration.

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